Kartris User Guide

2.8. Upgrading

If you wish to upgrade an existing Kartris site to the latest version, then you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Download and install the latest Kartris to a new web.
  2. Create a new database by restoring a backup of your old Kartris database.
  3. Run the update SQL scripts on the database with SQL Management Studio to take it up to the latest version. These scripts are located in the new Kartris web, at this location:


    You need to run the scripts necessary to take your database from its present version, to the latest version, in the right order. For example, if upgrading a v1.4001 to v2.5003, you would need to run these SQL updates on the database in this order:


    There is not necessarily an SQL script for each Kartris release; one is only required if there were database changes. So in this case, we've upgraded the database to v2.5000, because that is the latest version of the database. Similarly, if you were upgrading v1.4004, you would need to start with the UpdateSQL_1.4002_To_2.0000.sql upgrade script, to ensure you get all the required changes.

    You may get errors show up in the console during the upgrade process, but generally you can ignore these. It's normally because you have new language strings or config settings already for some reason, and so trying to add these in fails. But everything else should still be able to run, and since you have the required records already, there should be no problem.

  4. Hook up your new web to the new upgraded database. To do this, edit the web.config file to make the following changes (a) database connection (b) ensure that the 'globalization' tag is uncommented (see @2.7. Forcing the install routine to run again for more details).

  5. You should also copy the 'hashsalt' value from the app settings near the top of your new site web.config file. If you don't do this, you may find your back end login no longer works.

  6. You should now be able to import your old skin to the Skins folder, and set up your site to use this from the back end.

  7. If you changed any user controls or code in your prior version, you can try to import this to the new site. But be aware that they may not be compatible, or that by importing older files, you may lose newer functionality which we've added to the new version.

  8. Other parts of the old site that will probably need to be imported too:

    - Images folder, Uploads folder (except Logs, Resources, Temp)
    - the .sitemap files in the root (these format navigation menus on your skin as well as breadcrumb hierarchy)
    - any robots.txt in the web
    - the .config files from any payment systems you have setup, these are stored in the relevant folder within /Plugins and hold the payment gateway configuration for that payment system).
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